Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Yes, harvest already!

Tonight I picked three Early Girl tomatoes, one Roma tomato and a singular, lonely green bean. All of these will be blanched (yes, even the green bean) and then puree'd in the food processor, then frozen to be used in chili in the winter.

Yes, with the green bean in it too.

What else am I supposed to do with just one green bean??
My bell peppers are growing. I thought I bought yellow bells but they are very, very green with no sign of changing color so who knows. Lots of blossoms and buds on the bell pepper plant so I have high hopes for bounty.
My Black From Tula tomato plant has blossoms all over it. I can't wait to see these neat, chocolate-colored tomatoes!
And for those who are quietly snicker behind their hands, yes, I realize my daughter's shirt is inside out. She refuses to fix it. I know how to pick my battles.


CristyLynn said...

I think she looks great, and so do those tomatoes! Oh, and we put green beans in our chili all the time, it's yummy. :)

Shelby said...

Hi Rubia,

It’s nice to see you daughter share your excitement for your vegetable (or should I say fruit?) plants! I wonder if this excitement will carry over to the kitchen. Once you start harvesting more green beans, you guys should try our kid-friendly recipe for Lemon Green Beans with Almonds ( Research shows that there are many benefits to cooking and eating meals together with your kids, such as a lower risk of obesity and the development of important skills, such as teamwork, following directions, and even math. That’s why I work for The Kids Cook Monday, a new program started by the Healthy Monday campaigns that encourages families to prepare and eat meals together. To learn more about the benefits of kids helping out in the kitchen, check out our website!

We’re looking for families to get involved by cooking meals together each Monday and sharing their experiences on their blogs. If you’re interested in participating, please email me at Thanks!
