Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Something positive

It's been one crummy thing after another around our house for the past few years. If I were to list all the bad things that have happened, you'd think I was making it up. Layoffs, illnesses, car trouble, etc, etc. But when something positive comes along, I really try to celebrate it and revel in the fact that good things do happen and you have to keep having hope.

I got a phone call today that my daughter was accepted into the Head Start program at the elemetary school. This is WONDERFUL news!! She is so ready to be in school. She's incredibly jealous that her brother will go to kindergarten in the fall and is desperate to go to school too. They will both be in the same school so they'll see each other in the halls and might even ride the same bus if they start their days at the same time. Best of all, it's free! There's no way we could afford preschool for her so is a huge blessing.

This also means that I can get a small, part-time job in the fall and not have to worry about day care costs.

As much as I am looking forward to summer, I'm almost wishing it was fall already! The kids are so excited about school and I'm just as excited about their enthusiasm and all the wonderful experiences ahead for them.

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