Friday, November 30, 2007

Tenacious little bugger....

Last night, I had some mom friends over. As is customary for our group, everyone brought a little something to munch on or drink. One mom brought her home-made version of the Girl Scout Tagalong cookies.

Little M came downstairs to tell me night-night and saw this wonderous spread of food on the table. He zeroed in on the cookies and proclaimed, "Birthday cake!"

My son is obsessed with birthday cakes.

He begged, he whined, he cried and eventually threw a colossal tantrum all in the name of these "birthday cakes". I told him that if he was a good boy and stopped having a tantrum and went to bed and stayed in bed, then he could have birthday cake the next day after school.

He woke up this morning and immediately headed down the stairs. Big M intercepted him and said, "Hey Buddy. Let's go in your room and change your diaper, okay?" To which Little M replied, "Birthday cake?"

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